The Data Message is used to send Programming Codes to the 3314A. Programm-
ing Codes and front panel key functions have a 1 to 1 relationship in most cases,
that is, to change the mode to Gate, the Program Code
M02" would be sent.
M02 is the remote equivalent of pressing the GEN key in local. Exceptions to this
rule are:
Front panel functions not allowed in remote operation:
Shift Cursor Right
Shift Cursor Left
Continuous Tuning (The Modify knob)
Address Viewing and Selection
BLUE shift key (shifted functions have their own programming codes)
Remote functions not allowed from the front panel:
Data Transfer Mode Selection
Display Errors (ON or Off)
SRQ Mask
Status Byte Masking
Status Byte
3314A Program Codes have been categorized into 4 distinct groups to help ex-
plain them. The 3314A does not distinguish between these categories. The
4 categories are:
2 letter commands causing immediate action
2 letter prefix plus a qualifier digit that selects a particular state of that func-