HP-IB Specifications Summary
to 15 maximum on one contiguous bus.
Star or linear bus network; total tranmission path length
2 metres times
number of devices, or 20 metres, whichever is less.
Byte-serial, 8 bit-parallel asynchronous data transfer using a 3 wire handshake
One megabyte per second, maximum over limited distances, actual data rate
depends upon the capability of the slowest device involved in the transmission.
(The 3314A's maximum data rate is approximately 3ms per character when
using Data Transfer Mode 2.)
Primary addresses: 31 talk, 31
listen. Secondary addresses: 961 talk, 961
listen. 1 Talker and 14 listeners, maximum at one time. (The 3314A does not
have secondary, extended address capability
In systems with more than one controller, only one can be active at a time
active controller can pass control to another controller, but only the system con-
troller can assume unconditional control. Only one system controller is allowed.
The system controller Is hard-wired to assume bus control after a power failure
or other catastrophic calamity.
Driver and receiver circuits are TTL compatible.