The 3314A will automatically re-program certain parameters when an operator
selects related functions or in the case of DC Offset, Marker Frequency and ARB
Frequency, when the operator tries to program the 331 4A to values that are not
allowed. This feature helps the operator by not forbidding an operation because of
an arbitrary operating rule, or because the functions were selected out of order.
Since the operator may not expect these changes, the 3314A has Operator
The operator is "Alerted" from the front panel when the 3314A causes the
altered parameter's light to flash on and off very quickly.
The operator is "Alerted" from the HP-IB by the SRO message, only if bit #2 of
the Status Byte is unmasked. Note that bit #2 will never be set if masked.
Alerts While Programming DC Offset
The 3314A only allows DC Offsets of:
If you attempt to set the Offset to some other value, .xx3 for example, the
3314A will set the Offset to the closest allowed offset and "Alert" the operator.
Alerts While Programming The Marker Frequency
If you attempt to set the Marker Frequency outside of the limits set by the Start
and Stop Frequencies, the 3314A will set the Marker Frequency to the closest
sweep end frequency and" Alert" the operator.
Alerts While Changing Modes
When you change from either of the Phase Lock modes to any other mode, the
Phase parameter limits change from
If the Phase prior to
changing modes was
the 331 4A will set the phase
and " Alert"
the operator.