ASH 31 6.4M ARF
With the aileron held at center, measure between the holes of the
servo arm and the control horn.
Set the length of the aileron pushrod to the measurement above by
turning in or out on the clevis at either end of the pushrod. When
the correct length is achieved, apply thread locking compound and
tighten the nuts against the clevis. Try to center the threaded rod
between the two clevises.
The excess threaded rod may be cut off, if desired. Leave
enough of the rod that at least 3 threads are visible on the inside of
the clevis, as shown.
Install the pushrod to the servo and control surface horns. Ensure
the control surface is centered when the servo is at neutral.
Repeat steps 1–19 for the opposite outer wing panel.
Lay the finished outer wing panel next to the inner wing panel as
shown. Mark the location of the outer wing access hole on the
inner wing panel.
Connect a 48” and 24” servo extension together to create an inner
aileron extension. Secure with a clip or heat shrink tubing.
Cut access holes in both the outer and root ends of the inner
wing panel. The holes should be just large enough to fit the servo
connectors through to keep the ends from falling back into the
Insert a long plastic pushrod or weighted string through the cut
access hole in either end of the panel and out the flap servo hatch.
Attach one end of the assembled aileron servo extension to the
pushrod. Pull the extension end through the wing panel and out the
access hole. Tape the extension end to the end of the wing panel.
Repeat the procedure from the other end of the panel to pull the
opposite end of the aileron servo extension through the access
hole in the other end of the wing panel.
Remove packing tape, clean and polish the wing surface.