The motorcycle presents you a challenge to master the machine, a challenge to
You ride through the wind, linked to the road by a vehicle that responds to your
commands as no other does. Unlike an automobile, there is no metal cage around you.
Like an airplane, a pre-ride inspection and regular maintenance are essential to your
safety. Your reward is freedom.
To meet the challenges safely, and to enjoy the adventure fully, you should become
thoroughly familiar with this owner’s manual BEFORE YOU RIDE THE MOTORCYCLE.
As you read this manual, you will find information that is preceded by a NOTICE symbol.
This information is intended to help you avoid damage to your motorcycle, other
property, or the environment.
When service is required, remember that your Honda dealer knows your motorcycle
best. If you have the required mechanical ‘‘know-how’’ and tools, your dealer can supply
you with an official Honda Service Manual to help you perform many maintenance and
repair tasks.
Pleasant riding, and thank you for choosing a Honda !