1/2 HP Chain Drive Garage Door Opener
Testing and Adjusting the Garage Door Opener
Testing and adjusting garage door opener is done in five steps:
A) Adjusting the Chain Tension
B) Testing and Adjusting the Door Range of Motion
C) Testing and Adjusting the Safety Reversing Sensors
D) Testing and Adjusting Door Force
E) Testing and Adjusting the Safety Reverse Feature
A) Adjusting the Chain Tension
After you have adjusted the travel distance and force of the garage door opener, verify that the chain tension is still ½
inch away from the bottom of the rail at the chains lowest point.
Note: This is to be tested with the trolley disengaged. (see page 11 for detailed instructions)
B) Testing and Adjusting the Door Range of M otion
This section describes how to adjust the total range of motion for the garage door opener.
Check if Adj ustments are Needed
1. Plug in the power cord into an approved power source.
2. Press the Door Control push button. Run the opener through a complete travel cycle.
- Does the door open and close completely?
- Does the door not open or close too far?
- Does the door stay closed and not reverse unintentionally when fully closed?
If your door passes both of these tests, no limit adjustments are necessary. Go to next section on Testing and
Adjusting the Safety Reversing Sensors