Insert the φ50 Plugs(#52) and the φ30 Buffers(#47) into the part(#4). Use a mallet to insert the Shaft(#19) through the
part(#4) and through the part(#2) until it is flush with both ends. Attach the Shaft(#19) to the part(#4) using (2)M8*20 Hex
2. Attach the part(#9) to the part(#4) using (1)M12*115 Hex Bolt(#86).
3. Slide the
φ90*245 Foam(#43) onto the part(#9). Hint: Water or soap makes it easier.
4. Attach the part(#11) to the part(#9) using (2)M8*20 Hex Bolts(#78) and (2)
φ8 Arc Washers(#74).
5. Insert the
φ28 Round Plug(#50) into the part(#11), and then slide the φ38*200 Foam(#45) onto the part(#11). Hint: Water
or soap makes it easier.
6. Insert the
φ28 Round Plug(#50) into the part(#9). Slide the φ38*125 Foam(#44) onto the part(#9). Hint: Water or soap
makes it easier.
7. Assemble the other Pec Arm(#8) using same method.