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File Name: HTCA_003-DADS-UserManual.docx
Document Type: End User Manual | Version date: 01/05/2010 | Last Printed: 15/02/2011
Page 30/81
Test results Section
The Test Results section provides the test
results after a measurement or shown
them in the retrieve mode. The following
information is provided.
After each test the normalized value will be
underlined in bold to attract the attention.
For Proc.A in case of “Hard” grade and
B in case of a “Soft” grade.
Max torque
The maximum torque measured during the absorption test.
Max torque/TLS
The ratio maximum torque vs. the TLS. This value is a test
acceptance criterion.
Max /TLS Max
The ratio maximum torque vs. the TLS max.
Proc. A measured (*)
The measured Proc.A absorption value (ml/100g). The liquid
quantity at the intersection between the TLS value and the
polynomial curve.
Proc. A normalized
The normalized ASTM Method A absorption value (ml/100g).
The measured DBP value is normalized.
Proc. B x % measured
The measured absorption value at x % (ml/100g). The liquid
quantity at the intersection between the torque value (% of
maximum torque) and the polynomial curve.
Proc. B x % normalized
The measured absorption value at x % (ml/100g). The
preceding value is normalized.
The moisture of the tested product (%).
Moisture table
The moisture table used to calculate the correction. This one is
chosen at the test creation.
Moisture correction
The moisture correction. It shows the offset and the factor
chosen out of the table.
Print curve
The results are automatically printed after a measurement
Save raw curve
Makes it possible to not save the raw curve of the
measurement. If set the raw curve is save after each test
Until now we just worked with DBP liquid. In future other liquids can be used too.
The same count for the carbon black product.
The percentage is chosen by the operator, at installation time. This should be 70
%, in case the ASTM Procedure B is required.