8.5 Oil Mist Remover System
The incorporated ejector uses the compressed air to
generate a vacuum pressure, which maintains a
negative pressure on the oil mist remover subsystem.
This prevents the gear case internal pressure from
rising due to a resistance of the element.
By installing the oil mist remover:
When the compressor starts running,
oil mist is vented from the vent pipe.
When the line pressure rises,
the ejector actuates.
Negative pressure is maintained in
the oil mist remover.
Without increase of gear case internal pressure,
the high-performance remover element removes
oil mist.
Separated oil is
recovered in the gear case and reused.
There is no need to extend a gear case vent pipe
outdoors, avoiding any type of trouble that may be caused
by incorrect installation of the gear case vent pipe.
Oil mists are prevented from venting from the gear
case to atmosphere, keeping the compressor room/
area clean.
Oil expenses and labor costs to add extra oil are
lowered because the oil is automatically recovered in
the gear case.
Air Source
Vacuum Indicator
Pressure Gauge
Float Trap
Solenoid Valve
Gear Case
Air End
Oil Pump
OMR Relief Valve
Remover Element
Opens when pressure in
the gear case excessive-
ly rises to prevent inter-
nal pressure increase.
A h i g h - p e r f o r m a n c e
element to separate
fine oil mists.
Uses compressed air
to generate a vacuum
pressure, which main-
tains a negative pres-
sure in the housing.
Indicates that the ejec-
tor is operating properly
and that the gear case
i n t e r n a l p r e s s u r e i s
Removes dust particles
and condensate from
the air source.
Maintains supply
pressure to the
ejector constant.
Indicates supply pres-
sure to the ejector.
Automatically collects oil
to the suction side of oil
pump when oil is accu-
mulated in the housing.
C l o s e s w h e n t h e
c o m p r e s s o r s t o p s
running, stopping the
consumption of air.
The oil mist remover reduces oil consumption to almost zero. However, the oil should still be replaced.
Section 9)