Revision: 2 / Date: 2002.12.19
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received Loop Initialization Sequence (LI_ID = ‘LIPA’). The L_Port shall check if the bit
that corresponds to its Hard Assigned AL_PA is set. If it in not set to 1, the L_Port shall set
the bit to 1(unless a bit was set in LIFA or LIPA); if the bit is already set to 1, the ports on
the Loop may attempt a Soft Assigned AL_PA.
LISA Payload
16-byte bit map of AL_PAs
The L_Port shall prime the AL_PA bit map with the AL_PA bit map of the previously
received Loop Initialization Sequence (LI_ID = ‘LIHA’). The L_Port shall set the AL_PA
position map, Flag 8 in LI_FL, to one(1). The L_Port may set any available bit to 1 (unless a
bit was set in LIFA,LIPA, or LIHA) which corresponds to its Soft Assigned AL_PA. If a bit
was available , the L_Port shall adjust its AL_PA according to which bit it set and shall
continue in step (3). If no bits ware available, the L_Port remains in the nonparticipating
mode; the L_Port may attempt to re-initialize at the request of the node.
(3) Building a Positional Map of the Loop
When the loop master received Loop Initialization Sequence(LI_ID = ‘LISA’), it checks the
loop initialization identifier value. If the Flag 8 is set to one ( the value is 11050100h),
loop master shall transmit two additional Loop Initialization Sequences as follows:
LIRP Payload
128-byte map of AL_PA physical positions
The L_Port shall set the AL_PA position map to all hex ‘FF’. If the L_Port has an AL_PA,
the AL_PA position map shall be set to hex ‘01xxFFFFFF...FF’ (where ‘xx’ is the AL_PA
of the L_Port). If the L_Port does not have an AL_PA, the AL_PA position map that the
L_Port originates shall be set to hex ‘00FF...FF’.
LILP Payload
128-byte map of AL_PA physical positions
The L_Port shall transmit the AL_PA position map which was received int the previous
Loop Initialization Sequence(LI_ID = ‘LI_RP’).
When the last Loop Initialization Sequence (LI_ID = ‘LISA’ or ‘LILP’) is returned, the loop
master shall transmit CLS to place all L_Ports into the Monitoring State. When CLS is received by
the loop master, the l_Port shall make the transition to the MONITORING State, and relinquish its
loop master role.
The L_Port shall use LP_TOV to wait for each of the above Loop Initialization Sequences and
the CLS. If LP_TOV expires before each transmitted Loop Initialization Sequences or CLS is
received, the L_Port shall make the transition to the INITIALIZE state to transmit LIP(F7).