Revision: 2 / Date: 2002.12.19
Page: 113 / 313
Bit 4 : The STPF (Stop Format) bit, when set to 0, specifies that the controller is to
execute the formatting even if an unrecoverable error occurs while accessing
either list of defects P or G recorded on the device. In this case, if no error
occurred except during the access to the defect list, the controller creates the
CHECK CONDITION status with RECOVERED ERROR sense key after
completion of the format process.
When the STPF bit is set to 1 and an unrecoverable error occurs during the
access to the defect list, the controller stops the format process and
terminates the command with a CHECK CONDITION status and set the
sense key to “MEDIUM ERROR”.
Bit 3 : The IP (Initialization Pattern) bit of 1 indicates that initialization pattern
descriptor is included in the Format Unit parameter list immediately
following the defect list header and is used to initialize the data blocks. An
IP bit of 0 indicates that an initialization pattern descriptor is not included
and the controller shall use the certification pattern in the command
descriptor block for the data block initialization.
Bit 2 : The DSP (Disable Saving Parameters) bit, when set to 1, specifies that the
controller shall not save the MODE SELECT savable parameters to non-
volatile memory during the format operation.
A DSP bit of 0 specifies that the controller shall save all the MODE SELECT
savable parameters for all initiators to non-volatile memory after the format
process completed normally.
Bit 1 : If the Immed (Immediate) bit is set to 0, a status is not returned until the
actual completion of the command.
If the Immed (Immediate) bit is set to 1, a status is returned as soon as the
command descriptor block has been validated, and the entire defect list has
been transferred.
The defect list length specifies the total length in bytes of the subsequent defect
descriptors following either the defect list header (if IP bit = 0) or the initialization
pattern descriptor. This value may be zero. In this case, no defect descriptor is
transferred from the host computer.
The defect list length value must be four times the number of defect descriptors for
the block format (Table 6-3) and eight times the number of defect descriptors for the
byte from index format (Table 6-4) or the physical sector format (Table 6-5).