Fingerprint Time Attendance Terminal
Attendance Report Table: Enter the start time and the end time to calculate the user
attendance information via the shift information and the holiday information according
to the shift schedule configuration.
1. Emplayee ID: The user's ID No.
2. The user's name.
3. Department: The user's department.
4. Duration:
Standard: Total standard working hours in the duration.
Actual: Total actural working hours in the duration.
Actural Hours = Standard Value - Late Hours - Early Leaving Hours
5. Late: The on-work attendance time is later than the normal on-work time.
Frequency: Late arriving for no more than once every day.
Minute: All late arriving minutes in the duration.
6. Early Leaving: The off-work attendance time is earlier than the normal off-work time.
Frequency: Early leaving for no more than once every day.
Minute: All early leaving minutes in the duration.
7. Over Time: No records.
8. Attendance Days:
Standard: Standard attendance days in a duration, exculding the holidays and the
days without shift schedule.
Actual: Actual attendance days in a duration. Actural Days = Standard Days - Absent
9. Business: No records.
10. Absence: Do not take attendance in the normal working days.
11. Leave: No records.