Translation of the original user manual - 1.4 | 2021
change after the filter time has expired. This prevents a lot of notifications that,
although they occur but do not have to be displayed immediately.
As an example, an active photocell will only be shown after 10 minutes. Heras ad-
vises to maintain these times as much as possible..
It is also possible to receive a notification by Text message, App push notification
and/or email if a specific status is longer than normal. The gate is open for longer
than 600 seconds, then a message will be sent. This way you can be reminded re-
motely that an action is needed. If the gate is open during the day by means of the
clock functionality, and one does not want to receive a Text message, App push
notification and/or email, it is possible that the program used to keep the gate
open can also be used to block the a Text message, App push notification and/or
email in that range. In the example below, clock program 2 has been selected: