Translation of the original user manual - 1.4 | 2021
All incoming calls, web and App controls are registered and displayed in the Heras
Cloud Portal. You can sort these by clicking on the column headings. The 50 most
recent entries are listed via the Access log. You can select the number of registra-
tions yourself. You also have the option to use the search field for specific users,
numbers, etc. You can also export the log data as CSV or XLS files. If someone who
is not on the access list has called the Heras Cloud Unit, their caller ID will be dis-
played instead of a name.
collects updated information from the Heras Cloud Unit (if it is online).
clears the log, (export and store a list in case you need it at a later date).
Via the key there is a possibility to adjust the content of the Access Log.