Translation of the original user manual - 1.4 | 2021
Click on the
(text message) check box if you want that person to be able to
manage and query the Cloud Unit via text message.
This box must be checked in order for the Cloud Unit to respond to texts from that
Yearly Time Switch
(see chapter 2.7) bar can be expanded to show the con-
tents of each schedule.
The schedule you choose determines when you will have access to and can manage
the functions.
Find out more about the
Yearly Time Switch
function and how to change the set-
tings under the heading
Yearly Time Switch.
Here you can only view the
Yearly Time
settings, not change them.
Selecting Program 1-5 (Yearly Time Switch program) for a user (eg. John Doe) de-
termines during which times this individual will have access. Typically selecting
Program 1 means that the user will always have access. You could define a custom
program under the
Yearly Time Switch
tab that will for example grant access only
during weekdays.