as long as time allows. At the end of the program it goes into a cool-down phase. If the heart rate
goes above the theoretical maximum for more then 45 seconds, the treadmill automatically goes
into pause mode. If the user does not reach a heart rate goal, the heart rate wanders between two
target heart rates, the MESSAGE CENTER displays a prompt to increase or decrease speed,
depending on whether the program is in a hill or valley phase. The program does not proceed to a
new heart rate goal until the user reaches the current goal. During exercises, the user must wear a
chest strap or grip the heart rate sensors, or this program cannot work.
Heart Rate Control
Target Heart Rate
User Example for 80%, 40 year old person : 220bpm - 40 years old
144 bpm 80% of Max theoretical HR
2009/10/26 Ver1.0+V2.0