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Pilot’s Operating Manual
Revision A1: Nov, 2002
Hawker 800XP Pro Line 21
Raytheon Aircraft Company publishes a wide variety of manuals, service letters, service instructions,
service bulletins, safety communiques and other publications for the various models of Raytheon
Aircraft Company airplanes. Information on how to obtain publications relating to your airplane may be
obtained by contacting Raytheon Aircraft Company - Technical Manual Distribution Center (TMDC), or
by referring to Service Bulletin SB 00-2001, or by visiting the web site at:
Raytheon Aircraft Company automatically mails original issues and revisions of Raytheon Service
Bulletins (Mandatory, Recommended and Optional), FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual
Supplements, reissues and revisions of FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manuals, Flight Handbooks,
Owner’s Manuals, Pilot’s Operating Manuals and Pilot’s Operating Handbooks, and original issues and
revisions of Raytheon Safety Communiques to Raytheon airplane owners addresses as listed by the
FAA Aircraft Registration Branch List and the Raytheon Aircraft International Owner Notification Service
List. While this information is distributed by Raytheon Aircraft Company, we can not make changes in
the name or address furnished by the FAA. The owner must contact the FAA regarding any changes to
name or address. Their address is: FAA Aircraft Registration Branch (AAC250) P.O. Box 25082,
Oklahoma City, OK 73125, Phone (405) 680-2131.
It is the responsibility of the FAA owner of record to ensure that any mailings from Raytheon Aircraft
Company are forwarded to the proper persons. Often the FAA registered owner is a bank, financing
company, or an individual not in possession of the airplane. Also, when an airplane is sold, there is a
lag in processing the change in registration with the FAA. If you are a new owner, contact Raytheon
Aircraft Company and ensure that your manuals are up to date.
Raytheon Aircraft Company provides a subscription service which provides for direct factory mailing of
Raytheon Aircraft publications applicable to a specific serial number airplane. Details concerning the
fees and ordering information for this subscription service are available from TMDC at the following
Raytheon Aircraft Company
P.O. Box 85
Wichita, KS 67201-9863
From time to time Raytheon Aircraft Company issues Raytheon Safety Communiques dealing with the
safe operation of a specific series of airplanes, or airplanes in general. It is recommended that each
owner/operator maintain a current file of these publications. Back issues of Raytheon Safety
Communiques may be obtained without charge by sending a request including airplane model and
serial number to TMDC at the address listed above.