Propeller Owner's Manual
Page 1-17
Rev. 24 Dec/20
11. Propeller Critical Parts
(Rev. 1)
A. Propeller Critical Parts
(1) Procedures in this manual may involve Propeller Critical
Parts (PCP).
(a) These procedures have been substantiated based
on Engineering analysis that expects this product will
be operated and maintained using the procedures
and inspections provided in the Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness (ICA) for this product.
(b) Refer to the Illustrated Parts List chapter in the
applicable Hartzell Propeller Inc. maintenance
manual to identify the Propeller Critical Parts.
(2) Numerous propeller system parts can produce a
propeller Major or Hazardous effect, even though those
parts may not be considered as Propeller Critical Parts.
(a) The operating and maintenance procedures and
inspections provided in the ICA for this product
are, therefore, expected to be accomplished for all
propeller system parts.
12. Warranty Service
(Rev. 1)
A. Warranty Claims
(1) If you believe you have a warranty claim, contact the
Hartzell Propeller Inc. Product Support Department to
request a
Warranty Application
form. Complete this form
and return it to Hartzell Product Support for evaluation
before proceeding with repair or inspection work
Upon receipt of this form, the Hartzell Product Support
Department will provide instructions on how to proceed.
(a) For Hartzell Propeller Inc. Product Support
Department contact information, refer to the “Contact
Information” section in this chapter.