When installing the Accentra Insert into a factory built
wood burning fireplace, the Manufactured Fireplace
Installation Kit # 1-00-674205 must be used. In addition,
several things need to be taken into consideration.
The size of the fireplace opening. Will the unit fit into the
opening? Many of these units have metal smoke shields
inside the top that can be removed to gain height.
Often the side and rear refractory can be removed to
gain depth and width. In some circumstances, the front
lower lip or grill work may also be removed. Be sure and
follow the guidelines in the kit instructions.
Because of
the special track system, it is also permitted to remove
the floor refractory and/or insulation in the bottom of the
manufactured fireplace, right down to the outer sheet
metal, which must be left in place for floor protection
under the insert mounting frame. Floor protection
guidelines, as listed on page 14 must also be followed.
The Harman Accentra Insert can be factory built with shorter
hopper configurations.
The standard requires a 24" opening. Part #1-90-00674
Option 1: Requires a 22" opening height. Part #1-90-00675
Option 2: Requires a 20" opening height. Part #1-90-00676
Keep in mind the hopper capacities will decrease with the optional
Note: If the harman Accentra Insert is installed into a factory built wood burning fireplace, this
label (harman part # 3-90-00675) muST be attached to the altered fireplace. This label is included
in the manufactured fireplace installation kit.
Fig. 54
Installing the Accentra Insert into
an existing factory built wood
burning fireplace
Fig. 53