User’s Guide
Page 30 of 53
Advanced TAB
The advanced TAB shows all the EZManager advanced commands. In this mode the communication between PC and EZMaster is done
via the USB port, or via the COM port for those operating systems that don’t support a USB device ( DOS ).
Several new functions are available in this mode, not previously available in the other modes due to LPT/COM constriction, where there
were not enough lines to drive all the needed hardware.
Radio A Band Map frame
Clicking on a band radio button the related Profile, defined in the BandMap Profile area, is output on the Matrix A Connector. The
command is executed only if EZMaster is in RX mode, to avoid antenna switching during TX.
Radio B Band Map frame
Clicking on a band radio button the related Profile, defined in the BandMap Profile area, is output on the Matrix B Connector. The
command is executed only if EZMaster is in RX mode, to avoid antenna switching during TX.
Vkeyer frame
Select one out of seven messages available and then press PLAY, to play the selected Voice Memory, or press REC, for recording the
selected Voice Memory. Click on the STOP button to interrupt the PLAY or REC command. During the REC command the PTT line is
dropped, so you can monitor the audio quality. Another suitable function is that you can start a RECording also during a transmission,
so if you are calling CQ and EZMaster is in TX mode.