User’s Guide
Page 28 of 53
Parallel frame
By checking the PTT checkbox EZMaster will close the corresponding Output Relay, PTT A or PTT B, according to the RADIO
A/B checkbox
Clicking on the RADIO A/B checkbox the related radio is selected accordingly. All the signals PTT, Digital Voice Keyer, Speaker
Keyer and Microphone are routed to the selected radio. RADIO A/B command is accepted and executed only if the PTT is
OFF, to avoid hot radio switching during transmission.
Clicking on the CW checkbox the related CW Output will close, and CW will be transmitted. CW is allowed only if PTT line is
ON, to avoid strange CW transmission, without the PTT line enabled, which happens frequently when PCs are booted or
USB, COM and AUX frame
By checking the PTT checkbox EZMaster will close the corresponding Output Relay, PTT A or PTT B, according to the RADIO
A/B checkbox
Clicking on the CW checkbox the related CW Output will close, and CW will be transmitted. CW is allowed only if PTT line is
ON, to avoid strange CW transmission, without the PTT line enabled, which happens frequently when PCs are booted or