Document #101-0086
The GL-ACW-P is equipped with a self-diagnostic capability that makes it possible for common prob-
lems to be quickly detected and serviced. When most errors occur, the controller will automatically
shut down the entire unit as a precaution in order to prevent further malfunctions. When the GL-ACW-
P shuts itself down after an error has been detected, it deactivates the bill acceptor and coin acceptors
so that further deposits cannot be accepted. When this occurs, the display will read:
It is necessary to troubleshoot and correct the problem before normal operation can resume. Shutting
off power to the unit will not erase this error condition. To resume normal operation, it is necessary
Acknowledge that you have seen the error. To do this, press the YEL-
LOW button on the controller. When this button is pressed the display
will show the detected error. (Possible errors and their descriptions are
covered later in this section.)
After making note of the error and correcting the problem, it is neces-
sary to once again press the YELLOW button to return to normal
operation. When this button is pressed the display will read:
The display will then return to the welcome prompt.
It is possible for the GL-ACW-P to detect an error and still remain operational. This occurs when the
default payment mode has been set to “USE ALT PAYMENT” instead of “OUT OF SERVICE”. In the
“USE ALT PAYMENT” mode, the controller will only shut down the component that is malfunction-
ing. The controller will stop displaying the normal Welcome Messages and instead display the mes-
sages “PAYMENT OPTIONS…” and “USE BILLS ONLY” (depending on which payment options are
available). When all the payment options have been exhausted, the GL-ACW-P will shut down and
display an error message for the last component malfunction. When this occurs, follow the above steps
to return to normal operation.
$5 Input Stuck
When signaling that a $5, $10 or a $20 bill has been accepted this line gets pulled low briefly. If the $5
line should get pulled low for an extended period of time, this error will result and the machine will be
shut down.
$1 Input Stuck
When signaling that a $1 bill has been accepted this line gets pulled low briefly. If the $1 line should
get pulled low for an extended period of time, this error will result and the machine will be shut down.