Document #101-0086
Set Hopper Contents
This category is used to set the type of coin being dispensed from the hopper. It can be quarters, $1
coins or $2 coins.
Set Pay Default
This mode is used when a fault is detected in one of the payment devices, such as the validator or one
of the coin acceptors. There are two options to choose from in this mode, USE ALT PAYMENT or
OUT OF SERVICE. If a fault has been detected and the default payment mode is set to OUT OF
SERVICE, the ACW will shut itself down until the error has been corrected. However, if the default
payment mode is set to USE ALT PAYMENT, the ACW can continue operating, even if there is a fault
in one or more of its payment devices. The display will give examples for payment methods that will
be accepted. If all payment options are determined to be faulty, the machine will shutdown, displaying
an error message for the last device to have a problem.
Set Refund Enable
This category is used to enable or disable the refund button.
Receipt Headers
When using the optional receipt printer, this category allows up to 8 customized lines of text to be
printed on the top of every receipt printed.
Set Receipt Mode
When using the optional printer, this category offers a choice of when a receipt will be printed. You
may select from NEVER, ALWAYS, or ASK.
Set Printer Model
When an optional printer has been installed, this category selects which specific model of printer will
be supported.
Set Unit Number
Allows you to set the unit number for the ACW when it is connected to a Hamilton Time Pass network.
Each ACW on the network must have a unique unit number.
Set Welcome Delay
This category is used to set the verbal welcome greeting to be delayed from 0 to 30 seconds. This
allows a customer time to completely drive up to the ACW and open their window before the welcome
greeting begins speaking.
Vend Duration
This category is used to program the length of time that the GL-ACW-P turns on its vend relays. The
vend relays get turned on to signal the parking gate that the customer has finished the transaction and
is ready to drive ahead. The length of time these relays should be held depends on the requirements of
the particular parking gate being used. Refer to the parking gate manual before setting this category.
The possible values range from 0.1 - 4.0 seconds.