hydroSpider2 User’s Manual v1.23
Page 112
The warm and cold resets will both cause the DNP3 connection to drop out. It can be re-established
after a minute or two – if the unit had been in listen mode, it will resume listening for a DNP3
connection following the reset, or if it was in active connect mode it will attempt to reconnect to the
DNP3 server.
These reset commands should never be needed in practice but have been implemented for full
compliance with the DNP3 standard.
Appendix G8.
Reading device attributes
The hydrospider2 reports a number of “device attributes” via DNP3.
These include the software version, serial number, long and short location names, the product name
(“hydrospider2”) and hardware version: ‘40’ for a standard hydrospider2, or ‘41’ for a hydrospider2
with SDI-12 / RS-485 interface.
This allows you to correctly identify the hydrospider2 unit in your SCADA system.
Appendix G9.
Transferring setup files and software upgrades
DNP3’s file transfer functionality can be used to
Read the hydrospider2’s current configuration and save it as a setup file
Write a setup file to the hydrospider2, to update its configuration
Upgrade the hydrospider2’s software (firmware)
Read or write access to files requires authentication, using the standard DNP3 file access
authentication mechanism, before any file can be opened.
The current administrator account (see 5.3 - Username and password) is required for read and write
access to the unit’s configuration file, and for write access to the unit’s firmware.
The administrator has a factory default username of “user” and a password of “changeme”.
Note that it is not possible to read the hydrospider2’s current firmware (it can only be written to)
and that the configuration and firmware files on the unit cannot be deleted.
Reading the current configuration
The current hydrospider2 configuration can be uploaded to the master server as a setup file.
This setup file is exactly the same as that uploaded via “Save Setup to Disk” in the web interface (see
5.15 - Manual Setup Management).
The name of the setup (or configuration) file on the hydrospider2 is in the form:
<serial number>
For example, if your hydrospider’s serial number is 00282C, the DNP3 server should request a read
of the file named msc00282C.cfg on the outstation.
(The same filename is used in automatic setup updates – see 5.13 - Automatic Setup Updates).