Trouble Shooting Chart
No Mains Power
Check mains Fuse
Supply fault LED illuminated
Check output voltage it should be set to 27.2VDC.
Low = (less than 26.5VDC )
High = (greater than 28VDC )
Check the battery has been connected properly
Earth Fault LED illuminated
Check all input and output cabling and wiring
assemblies for short to ground
System Fault LED illuminated
Ensure correct panel configuration
Check all connections for loose wiring
Warning System Fault LED illuminated
Check correct E.O.L is fitted
Check wiring is connected correctly
RS485 Communication Bus not working
Refer LCD. This may identify where there is a break
in the communication line
Can not access a menu
Incorrect Password entered
Forgotten Password
Ring AMPAC and directions will be given to provide
you with a temporary code
Bell / Sounder Fault
Make sure you have a 10K Ω EOL resistor fitted and
a diode (1N4004) in series with the bell / sounder