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To enter the program mode, press and hold the Clock button for 5 seconds. The display will change to show the Day
“Monday” flashing. Using the up (
) or down (
) buttons adjust the day to the day you wish to start programming an event
or to the day you wish to edit an existing event.
Tap the clock button to advance to the next step, The LCD will show the word “Wake” with the hour’s digit flashes. Using the
up (
) or down (
) buttons adjust the hours to the time you wish the “Wake” event to commence for the currently selected
Tap the Clock button again, now the minute’s digits flashes. Using the up (
) or down (
) buttons set the minute to the time
you wish the “Wake” event to commence.
Tap the Clock button again. If the SMT-700 thermostat has been set by the installer to control the optional climate zoning
AND if the option to program the zones has been set by the installer, you will now have the ability to set which zones you
require to be ON during the wake event. Using the up (
) or down (
) buttons set the zones you wish to be ON for the
“Wake” event.
If the installer has set to the Program Zone option to “OFF” this step is skipped by the SMT-700 thermostat during the
programming sequence.
Tap the Clock button again, now the word “Heat” (if heating mode is enabled by the installer) and a temperature value is
shown in the LCD, using the up (
) or down (
) buttons set the desired Heating temperature for the “Wake” event. Tap the
Clock button again, now the word “Cool” (if cooling mode is enabled by the installer) and a temperature value is shown in the
LCD, using the up (
) or down (
) buttons set the desired Cooling temperature for the Wake event.
NOTE: there must be a minimum of 1 deg C difference between heating and cooling set points. The heating temperature must
be at least 1 deg C lower than the cooling set temperature. If you set the heating or cooling set point closer than this minimum
value, the SMT-700 thermostat will automatically “push” the other set point away to maintain this minimum value.
Tap the Clock button again and the Day previously selected will be shown along with the word “Leave”. The Hour digit will
flash indicating that this value can now be adjusted with the up (
) or down (
) buttons. Set the hour to the time you wish
the “Leave” event to commence.
Continue to tap the Clock button to advance you through the “Leave” “Minute”, then “Leave” Zone (if enabled) “Leave”
Heating (if enabled) and “Leave” cooling (if enabled) temperatures. Again by continuing to tap the Clock button you will
advance to through the “Return” program and then “Sleep” programs for the day you have chosen to program.
Taping the Clock button again the LCD will now show the word “COPY”.
You now have TWO options
Option 1 - Continue programming as above.
Simply continue to tap the Clock Button as you have been to advance to the next day, “Tuesday” in this example “Wake”,
“Leave”, “Return”, “Sleep” then Wednesday, Thursday etc, following the same simple steps previously explained…. OR
Option 2 - Copy Program – To copy the values you have just set to other days of the week.
Rather than taping the Clock button now, tap the up (
) or down (
) buttons to “TAG” each additional day you wish to copy
the currently set days program to. When you have finished “Tagging” the days you desire press the Clock button to initiate the
copy process. The word “Copy” will flash briefly to confirm the copy process and your current days values will be copied to
the days selected. Normal programming will resume at the next day to be programmed.
Programming the Zones (If Enabled)
As briefly touched upon in the above description, your SMT-700 thermostat has the useful feature of being able to
automatically change the Active Zones at pre set times (if enabled by the installer). For example, this feature permits the
SMT-700 thermostat to automatically switch the bedroom zone ON when the “Sleep” event starts, or to automatically switch
the unoccupied upstairs zone OFF during the day. This has the benefit of reducing energy costs while still maintaining a
comfortable living environment in the occupied areas of your home. Naturally, these settings can be overridden at any time by
tapping the on/off button to manually select active zones as described on page 14 of this manual.