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Zone Control (if fitted)
If zoning is enabled the word “Zone” and either “1”, “2,” or “1 2” (indicating both zones) will be
shown. To select which zone(s) you wish to be controlled, simply tap the On/Off button to toggle
between zone 1, Zone 2 or both zones
If the optional Zone 2 Temperature sensor has been installed the second zone temperature will also be
shown in the LCD.
Some homes or offices require temperature control in two separate areas, a living and sleeping zone or upstairs and downstairs
for example. If your SMT-700 thermostat shows the word “ZONE” then the Zoning function is active on your SMT-700
thermostat. You may also have information on the temperature in the second zone (if the optional second zone temperature
sensor has been installed).
If you have the Zoning function active on your SMT-700 thermostat and the zone 2-temperature sensor is installed then your
desired temperature will be exactly maintained in both zones of your home or office.
The SMT-700 thermostat will automatically open and close “dampers” (motorised valves that regulate the flow of air in the
ducting that carry the warmed or cooled air from the Air Conditioning system to the various areas of the home or office) as
well as controlling the Air Conditioning system to ensure the correct air temperature is directed to the appropriate area of the
home or office.
This capability not only vastly improves the comfort in the home or office (especially in two story buildings or difficult to
temperature regulate arrears), it dramatically reduces the energy costs by only operating Air Conditioning system in the arrears
(or zones) that require it. This function eliminates the over heating or over cooling effects of some air-conditioning controllers.
Note, this function cannot be used in conjunction with the Outside Air Economy Function.
Changing Active Zones.
Simply tapping the On/Off button while the SMT-700 thermostat is switched on will cycle the SMT-700 thermostat between
Zone 1 only operation, Zone 2 only operating then both Zones operating. When the zone is calling for warmed or cooled air it
is directed to that particular zone in order to maintain that zone(s) desired temperature. If the optional zone 2 temperature
sensor has been installed then the temperature is also measured in zone 2 (and controlled to the set point) as well as the zone 2
temperature being displayed on the LCD.
Please note.
The SMT-700 thermostat will maintain a minimum of one open zone at all times. To protect the air conditioning
system and ducting you cannot turn both zones off at the same time.
Key Board Lock / Function Lock
Many of the features or functions of the SMT-700 can be locked by the owner or installer to prevent un-authorised tampering.
When any locked function is attempted to be accessed, your SMT-700 will flash the padlock symbol to inform you that the
function is locked or a control limit has been reached.
Fan Speed Management
As briefly touched upon previously in this manual, fan speed management is a critical component of effective air conditioning
control. The fan is directly responsible for the air movement through your air conditioning system and home/office and has a
significant impact on how efficiently your air conditioning system operates. If Auto Fan speed has been selected your
SMT-700 will automatically select the most appropriate fan speed based on the difference between room and set temperature.
Optimised Start
Optimised Start mode permits the SMT-700 thermostat to automatically calculate the most optimum time to start your air
conditioning system so that your programmed set point temperature is reached AT the program start time.
Your A/C system will therefore turn on before the scheduled event so that the set temperature is achieved at the scheduled
event time, not after it.