"DALI Gateway C00Cx2" software
Functional description
Seite 95 von 130
Figure 42: Synchronising the commissioning parameters between plug-in and DALI device
Close the plug-in in order to complete the commissioning and to accept all required parameter
settings. Then re-program the application program of the DALI Gateway with the ETS 3 (cf. Chapter
2.4 “Commissioning”).
During the synchronisation of the commissioning parameters between plug-in and DALI device the
Gateway verifies the operability of the DALI line. In case no communication can be established, the
plug-in will abort the incomplete process displaying an error message. In this case the error located
in the DALI line must be eliminated, the commissioning environment of the plug-in must be re-
opened and closed in order to proceed with the synchronisation for the commissioning.
When closing the commissioning environment the commissioning parameters (identified devices with
short address, names of the devices, group assignment) will be written and stored into the ETS
database. The stored data will be displayed the next time the commissioning environment is started.
By activating the “Delete assignment” button in the lower margin of the commissioning environment,
all assignments between the DALI devices and the different groups can be deleted. However, not
only the assignments will be reset in the plug-in but the commissioning parameters of the DALI
Gateway will also be synchronised. The plug-in will establish a communication to the Gateway via
the bus connection of the ETS 3 and delete all assignments in the device memory. This may take
some time. The progress is shown during the deleting. In case of a faulty bus communication the
plug-in will abort the operation without deleting any assignments in the project design or in the
DALI devices previously identified are not deleted but will have no group assignments.