"DALI Gateway C00Cx2" software
Functional description
Seite 88 von 130
In case a connection link to the DALI Gateway can not be established in this situation, the plug-in will
abort the commissioning prematurely and will not show the commissioning environment. The following
lists the possible causes for a faulty connection and their corresponding remedies...
Cause: no functioning ETS 3 communication interface to the KNX/EIB.
Remedy: verify the connection in the ETS 3 under “Tools
– Options – Communication" .
If needed,
set up the connection.
Cause: the physical address and the application program have not been programmed via the ETS 3.
Remedy: close the plug-in and program the physical address and the application program first.
Cause: KNX/EIB bus voltage at the DALI Gateway or at the local data interface is not connected or
switched on.
Remedy: connect and switch on bus voltage.
Cause: mains voltage supply on the DALI Gateway is not switched on.
Remedy: switch on the mains voltage supply on the Gateway.
Figure 35: Establishing a bus connection to the DALI Gateway for the DALI commissioning
Once completed the DALI commissioning can proceed, for example, by assigning the DALI devices to
the groups.
Assigning DALI devices to groups
During the DALI commissioning, the DALI devices (max. of 64) will be optionally assigned one or
several groups of the Gateway. It is the group assignment that makes it possible to control the DALI
devices individually (individual assignment – only one device in the group) or collectively (multiple
assignment – several devices in a group) via the KNX/EIB.
A multiple assignment of DALI devices is possible for the groups 1...16 of the DALI Gateway. The
addressing at the DALI takes place via group addresses that the DALI Gateway configures as “hidden”
to the user. The DALI Gateway handles them independently. When completing the DALI
commissioning, all relevant devices will be automatically programmed.
Only individual assignments can be parameterized for the groups 17...32. Each group can be assigned
only one DALI device. In this case, the DALI addressing takes place via an internally created individual
address. Only one device can be uniquely addressed. This individual address is also automatically
assigned by the DALI Gateway during the DALI commissioning.