"DALI Gateway C00Cx2" software
Functional description
Seite 66 von 130
Automatic shutoff
The shutoff function permits the automatic shutoff of a DALI group after the light intensity has been
dimmed to a brightness value or jumped to and after this new brightness value falls below a shutoff
brightness adjusted in the ETS. There is the option available to configure a delay until the shutoff (cf.
figure 19).
The Shutoff function will be activated once a constant brightness value has been reached. Thus only
after a completed dimming operation. A new dimming operation that also ends below the shutoff
brightness will restart a configured delay, if applicable. The Shutoff function will be halted if the shutoff
brightness has been exceeded by a dimming operation.
By applying the automatic shutoff function it is possible, for example, to not only set the lighting to a
minimum brightness via relative dimming but also to shut it off. Another application, for example, is the
time controlled ‘Good night shutoff’ for the dimmed lighting of a children’s room.
0 %
100 %
90 %
50 %
10 %
20 %
30 %
40 %
Delay time
Brightness value
Switchoff brightness
Dimming operation
Switching status
Figure 19: Dimming and switching response of the automatic shutoff function
Basically, the shutoff takes place without the Soft-OFF function - instantly.
The shutoff brightness can be adjusted within the dimmable brightness range between the
parameterized maximum and minimum brightness. There will be no automatic shutoff if the shutoff
brightness = minimum brightness since the value may not remain under the shutoff brightness. The
shutoff function will be constantly active if the shutoff brightness has been configured to maximum
brightness and if the maximum brightness can be under-run at any time.
The feedback objects for the switching status and the brightness value will be updated via the
automatic shutoff function after the shutoff.