"DALI Gateway C00Cx2" software
Functional description
Seite 102 von 130
The brightness values pre-defined in the scene configuration (parameter page “Scene”) become visible
in the corresponding drop-down menus of the groups when the scene-oriented DALI tests are started.
By activating the “Recall scene” button, a scene will be recalled with the brightness values that have
been pre-defined during the scene configuration. The preset brightness values shown in the group
drop-down menus of the test environment have no significance.
The brightness values for each group specified in the test environment will be accepted and stored in
the scene configuration of the plug-in and the DALI Gateway only after the “Save scene” button has
been activated. Thus, the brightness values originally pre-defined in the scene configuration will be
It is possible to have the values currently set in the groups read-out before new brightness values for a
scene are saved. The read-out brightness values will be displayed in the drop-down menus of the
groups and can be edited at a later time and subsequently be saved for the scene.
A scene-oriented DALI test cannot detect an error in the DALI line (e.g. short-circuit or interrupted
All actions during the scene-oriented DALI test will be implemented internally via the corresponding
KNX/EIB objects of the groups. For example, the internal object values will be read-out during the
read-out of the brightness values. Also, feedback will be transmitted to the KNX/EIB during a scene
recall. If no device has been assigned to the groups during the DALI commissioning there will be no
reaction in the DALI system.
If a DALI device has been assigned several groups and if these groups have been assigned to a
scene, the brightness values of the groups with the highest group number will be recalled or saved
for the multiple assigned devices. In this case, the feedback of the switching status or the brightness
value of a group is not always unique.