"DALI Gateway C00Cx2" software
Functional description
Seite 101 von 130
Scene-oriented DALI test
The scene-oriented DALI test can be executed once the groups have been created and parameterized
in the device configuration and once the DALI commissioning including group assignments of the
devices has been completed. Activate the “Test DALI scenes” button in the DALI test environment. The
scene-oriented test environment will then open (cf. figure 47). Not only the groups embedded in the
scenes can be tested during the scene test. So it is also possible to define a scene by reading-out and
storing scene values.
Figure 47: Scene-oriented DALI test environment (in this example with two created groups)
First, the scene to be tested has to be selected. For this purpose, one of the scenes created in the
device configuration must be selected in the “Scene” drop-down menu. After the selection the assigned
groups become visible and can be edited.
For better clarity the available groups (1...32) are divided into two pages that can be shown separately.
The page views can be switched by clicking on the “Groups 1-16” and “Groups 17-32” in the top margin
of the window. Only those groups that have been assigned a scene can be edited and thus tested. All
groups not assigned are masked in grey.