"DALI Gateway C00Cx2" software
Seite 110 von 130
Maximum brightness
30 %
35 %
40 %
45 %
50 %
55 %
60 %
65 %
70 %
75 %
80 %
85 %
90 %
95 %
100 %
This parameter will set the maximum
brightness of the DALI group will be set.
The parameterized value will not be
exceeded regardless of the operating state
of the Gateway.
The value to be set at this point cannot
fall below the parameterized minimum
brightness (minimum brightness <
maximum brightness).
During the editing of the maximum
brightness the ETS plug-in will check all
parameterized brightness values of the
group (e.g. switch-on brightness, scene
values etc.) to see whether the values
will exceed the maximum brightness. If
this is the case, the plug-in will report a
conflict of values and offers the following
– the brightness values can be adjusted
to the maximum brightness or
– the setting of the maximum brightness
will be reset to the original value.
In case values that are received via the
brightness value object exceed the
parameterized maximum brightness, the
Gateway will set the maximum
brightness as the new brightness value
for the affected group.