"DALI Gateway C00Cx2" software
Functional description
Seite 32 von 130
Handling DALI groups:
The DALI Gateway can distinguish up to 32 different groups which are created and configured
separately. Group 1 has already been created in the start view of the plug-in. Additional groups can be
added by selecting “Groups” in the tree structure view followed by the “New” command via the context
menu (right mouse click) (cf. Figure 8).
Figure 8: Adding DALI groups
Any created group can also be copied via the “Copy” command in the context menu of a group node
and inserted as a new group in the “Groups” node. The parameter settings of the copied group will be
It is also possible to insert a previously copied group into an already existing one. All parameter
settings of the existing group will be adopted by the copied group.
Each created group receives a unique group number that is shown in square brackets in front of the
group name. The group number will be shown in the 7-segment display on the front panel when
manual control has been activated.
Created groups can be deleted at any time by selecting a group followed by the “Delete” command in
the context menu. It should be noted that at least one group must have been created.
Each group can be assigned a name by selecting a group followed by the “Rename” command via the
context menu. It is recommended to assign a unique name to each group (e.g. “Light-band window
South”, “Spots office center”, etc.). The name may not exceed 28 characters and may include
alphanumerical as well as special characters.
Each group can be parameterized independently in the plug-in. During the DALI commissioning, the
individual DALI devices will be programmed with the parameterization data once the group
parameterization has been completed. All devices assigned to a DALI group will be identically put
into operation.
If, however, DALI devices have been assigned to several groups, these devices will receive the
project design with the highest group number.