CAC information :
Uplink CAC packets : 0 Downlink CAC packets : 0
Uplink CAC bytes : 0 Downlink CAC bytes : 0
Downgrade packets : 0 Discard packets : 0
Downgrade bytes : 0 Discard bytes : 0
AC : AC-VO User Priority : 7
TID : 1 Direction : Bidirectional
PSB : 0 Surplus Bandwidth Allowance : 1.0000
Medium Time(ms) : 39.108 Nominal MSDU Size(bytes) : 1500
Mean Data Rate(Kbps): 78.125 Minimum PHY Rate(Mbps) : 2.000
Create TS time : 5s
Update TS time : 5s
Uplink TS packets : 0 Downlink TS packets : 0
Uplink TS bytes : 0 Downlink TS bytes : 0
Table 8-2 display wlan wmm client
command output description
MAC address
MAC address of a station
Service set ID (SSID)
QoS Mode
QoS mode:
WMM indicates that QoS mode is enabled;
None indicates that QoS mode is not enabled.
Max SP length
Maximum service period
AC Access
APSD attribute of an AC, which can be T, D, or L. T
indicates that the AC is trigger-enabled; D indicates
that the AC is delivery-enabled; T | D indicates that the
AC is both trigger-enabled and delivery-enabled; L
indicates that the AC is of legacy attributes.
Assoc State
APSD attributes of the ACs specified when a client
accesses the AP
Uplink CAC packets
Number of uplink CAC packets
Uplink CAC bytes
Number of uplink CAC bytes
Downlink CAC packets
Number of downlink CAC packets
Downlink CAC bytes
Number of downlink CAC bytes
Downgrade packets
Number of downgraded packets
Downgrade bytes
Number of downgraded bytes
Discard packets
Number of dropped packets
Discard bytes
Number of dropped bytes
Traffic direction
User Priority
User priority
Traffic identifier
Power saving mode banner
Nominal MSDU Size(bytes)
Average MSDU size (in bytes)