CCEC/ OM Manual GlasStile GSR 1.6 EN
– Programming must be undertaken with the mains power switched on.
The mode of operation can be selected via the Hand Held Programmer, see Fig 5.9 below. This
device should be ordered with the main equipment purchase, it is not supplied as part of the
standard installation kit.
To program the GlasStile GSR, the cladding must be removed. The Hand Held Programmer is
then connected to the serial port on the Control PCB. The programmer allows five variables to
be set to a range of different values.
The variables are: MODE, SPEED, TIME, ACK (Acknowledgement) and G-POS (Gate
Position). The selected value for each variable is shown by an LED indicator below the variable
name. To choose a different value, push and release the appropriate Push Button at the base of
the LED string until the LED for the required setting illuminates.
How the gate operates depends on the values of the selected variables.
Fig 5.9 - Hand Held Programmer
Serial Port
LED Indicators
Push Buttons