CCEC/ OM Manual GlasStile GSR 1.6 EN
Casework Type C glass panels
Type C casework includes side panels below the handrails. The glass panels are located
using U-brackets fitted to the vertical columns and the floor; see Fig 5.5 and Fig 5.6
Remove the patch fittings if already fitted to posts.
Turn the Hand Rail upside down taking care to protect decorative finishes. Fit the Hand
Rail to posts loosely or hand tight to allow a small amount of movement (Use Self
Tapping Screws Provided).
Tape the Flange Cover to underside of Hand Rail. Then Turn the Hand Rail assembly the
right way up.
Refit the Patch Fittings.
Position the Hand Rail/Post assembly over the fixing location.
Fit the glass to the Patch Fittings, supporting the glass underneath in the absence of a
Rotate posts to accurately align the glass panel ends and to achieve a uniform spacing
from the Rotor Glass Panels.
Check the Posts are level and adjust if necessary.
Mark the Post and Saddle/Stool fixing holes.
D10. Remove the loosely assembled glass and posts and drill all fixing holes.
D11. Disassemble all rails including removing the tape from the Flange Cover. Fix the posts in
position and fit the Hand Rail to the posts. Check the alignment and ensure everything is
level. Adjust using shims if necessary.
D12. Fit the Patch Fittings, stool/saddle assembly and then the glass panels. Ensure that the
shims in the stool/saddle assembly are correctly fitted to support the Glass Panels.