Section 3
19 November, 2019
Rxc = Rsc * Rxm / Rsm
Rxc = Calibrated resistance value of the UUT
Rxm = Measured resistance value of the UUT by the high resistance meter
Rsc = Previously known calibrated resistance value of the resistance reference
Rsm = Measured resistance value of the resistance standard by the high resistance
URxc = (URsc
+ URsm
+ URxm
+ Umeter
URxc = Measurement uncertainty of the calibrated resistance value of the UUT
URxm = Measurement uncertainty of the measured resistance value of the UUT
by the high resistance meter (2 times the standard deviation)
URsc = Measurement uncertainty of the previously known calibrated resistance
value of the resistance standard (typically k = 2)
URsm = Measurement uncertainty of the measured resistance value of the
resistance standard by the high resistance meter (2 times the standard
Umeter = Uncertainty of the 6530 in bridge mode (use the larger of bridge
specifications for the two resistances measured)
PROCEDURE: (100 MΩ to 1 GΩ example)
Step 1) Ensure the 6530 has been powered on and stabilized as well as the known and unknown
resistor stabilized in a temperature controlled environment and sufficiently EMI shielded.
Step 2) Measure the reference resistor on the 6530. For this example the reference resistor is a
100 MΩ resistor with a traceable uncertainty of 10ppm. The measurement should run for 300
samples keeping the last 50 for determination of standard deviation and mean. The optimum
measurement parameters for a 100 MΩ resistor is Test Voltage of 1 V using the 2700 pF
capacitor and 10 V threshold.