How to rem ove the failure
Engine cannot be
No new ork voltage.
Pump w heeel is blocked.
Check the voltage.
Turn the engine shaft w ith screw driver through the fan
cover (to release friction circles sealing that may be
stuck together)
The pum p does not
Missing, untight or blocked foot valve
Foot valve is not in w ater.
No w ater in the pump shell.
Too high suction height.
Air bubbles in suction pipeline.
Connections not sealed, the pump sucks the air,
the pump is not bleeded.
Assembly or clean the foot valve.
Immerse the foot valve into w ater.
Fill the pump shell w ith w ater.
Check the suction height.
Check the tighting of suction pipeline.
Carefully repeat connection according to chapter
„Putting into Operation“!
Insufficient quantity of
w ater to be repumped.
Too high suction height.
Foot valve suction basked dirty
Water level drops quickly.
Check the suction height.
Clean tne suction basket.
Locate the foot valve low er.
Clean the pump and replace w orn parts.
Therm oswitch
sw itches the pump off.
Pump if overheated and sw itched off by the
thermal overloading protection.
Electric pow er missing.
Impurity particles (e.g. pebbles) have settled
dow n in the suction hole.
Let the device getting cool!
Disassamble and clean the pump, prevent suction of
foreign substances.
Inspection and Maintenance
With the exception of the below described cases, the pump shall be repaired in customer´s service.
Check the air pressure in the filling valve vessel (under the black lid) regularly (every 3 months) by means of a separate
device for pumping the tyres with manometer, as described below.
Pull out the network plug.
Open the appliance, watermain tap etc.
Modify the air pressure with separate device for pumping the tyres to 1,5 ± 0,3 bar.
Safety Instructions for Inspection and M aintenance
Before any maintenance works the connection with electric network shall be interrupted (by pulling the plug out of the
socket) and checked if the pump is not being put into operation.
Only device on which the maintenance is performed regularly and that is properly cared for can be good helper.
Defaults in maintenance and care for device can cause unpredictable accidents and injuries.
Plan of Inspection and M aintenance
Tim e interval
Further details, if any
3 months
Check the air pressure in the vessel
1,5 ± 0,3 bar
According to the need
and the contamination
Clean the foot valve.
Check the foot valve function