The pum p shall never be installed in m oist shifts
(danger of shortcut, dam age caused by corrosion)!
For avoiding or prevention of possible damage (as e.g.
flooding the room s etc.) due to faulty pum p operation
(e.g. due failure or defects) the owner (user) shall take
reasonable safety m easures (installation of alarm
equipm ent, a spare pum p etc.)
In case of failure on the pump,. the repair shall be
performed exclusively by an authorized service
repairshop.Only original spare parts may be used.
We have to draw your attention to the fact that
according to the valid standards w e cannot take
responsibility for below m entioned cases of possible
dam age caused by our devices:
Unproper repairs performed by unauthorized service repair
Using pump for a different purpose or failing to observe its
use according to the provisions;
Overloading of the pump by long-term operation;
Air pressure
Pull out the netw ork plug.
Open the consumption valve, e.g. w ater main tap, so that the
w ater may be pressed out of the system..
Turn the protection lid on the bleeding valve in the dow n
direction (F).
Check the air pressure in the vessel w ith compressor and
device for tyre pumping.
The specified air pressure is 1,5 ± 0,3 bar.
Release the bleeding screw and let the possible closed air
(Fig. A; pos. 2)
Water Bubbles
Release the screw for draining w ater bubbles so that the
pump may be drained (Fig. A; pos.11)
Vessel pressure
Sw itch off pressure set by the manufacturer is 3-4 bar after
completion of filling.
Setting pressure of the vessel (air) makes 1,5 ± 0,3 bar and it
should be regularly checked and modified (G).
Safety Instruction for Operator
Use the device only after you have carefully read Operating
Observe all safety instructions mentioned in the Manual.
Behave responsibly against other persons
Instruction Step-by-Step
Connect the suction pipeline that com plies with the
outlet connecting pipe to the check valve (D) (foot
valve). Tighten all threading connections by sealing
band (B)
After filling up rem ove the bleeding screw on the
back side of the pum p and on the connecting line of
pressure pipeline. (Fig. A; pos. 1 and 2) Fill the
device up until the w ater exits from the bleeding
hole (E)
Make tight the bleeding screw and retight it again.
Then m ake tight the pressure pipeline and connect
Connect the pum p to the electric network.
Caution: When installing suction and pressure
pipeline on corresponding connection lines, the
corresponding thread shall alw ays be tightened
carefully so that no dam age occurs due to cracking of
the pum p shell (A) !
Caution: Careful sealing of thread connections
(A/B) and airless filling (E) of suction system – (suction
hose and pum p shell) , w ill save you from trying to
perform suction that m ay often be unsuccessful!
Check the tightness of the foot valve (D) – Fill the
system according to the instruction (C) and pull the
suction hose out of the m edium being repumped before
putting into operation for the purpose of checking (D) -
the liquid should not escape from the suction hose
now !
Im portant: Should the pum p be out of operation for a longer period of tim e, the pipeline and the pum p shell m ust be
unconditionally em ptied.