9. Autoflow Theory
TopDry Series 2000 Autoflow
After the dump cycle the unit returns to the beginning of the dry cycle, the fill system(s) refill the drying
chamber and the process begins again. If the dry timer reaches zero after the grain temperature reaches
the grain temperature set point the unit does not enter temperature hold. It goes right to the dump cycle.
The unit continuous with the same operation until either no grain is present against the Wet Supply Rotary
switch or the storage chamber becomes full.
If the wet storage tank becomes empty while the fill systems are running, the fill 1 and fill 2 delays starts
to count down. When the fill 1 and fill 2 delays reach zero, the fill system(s) shut off along with the dryer
and a wet supply hopper empty “Out of Grain” error is displayed on the Dryer Control Panel screen. When
the Start switch is pressed the screen on the dryer control panel will read “Press Enter to Dry Remaining
Grain”. If the enter button is pushed, the dryer will restart without running the fill system(s). The dryer will
remain running until the completion of the next dump cycle, after which an “Out of Grain” error is displayed
on the dryer control panel and the dryer stops.
If the Storage Chamber High-Limit Rotary switch becomes covered with grain during the dump cycle the
dryer will continue through the dump cycle and will continue to the next dry cycle. When the dry cycle is
complete, the unit will not continue to the dump cycle. A “Bin Grain High-Limit” error will be displayed on
the screen and the dryer will stop. The unit will not dump automatically until grain has been removed from
the storage chamber.
If the dryer stops for any reason the aeration fan will remain running if the aeration fan bypass is enabled.
The aeration fan bypass is set in the set-up mode. If the aeration fan bypass is disabled, the aeration fan
stops whenever the dryer stops.