TopDry Series 2000 Autoflow
7. Error Messages
When the dryer shuts down the user can quickly determine what caused the shut down by viewing the
display on the dryer control panel. The Electronic Monitoring Control System displays the error message
and sounds a warning signal to alert the user. The displayed error conditions and their electrical cause are
as follows:
Burner 1 Loss Flame
The flame sensor in burner number one has failed to detect flame. Either the burner failed to light or the
flame sensor needs to be adjusted. The flame sensor is the sensor attached to the burner and has a single
lead. If the burner is lighting but the unit is still shutting down due to loss of flame the flame sensor needs
to be adjusted. The flame sensor can be adjusted by bending it so it is immersed in flame. If the burner is
not lighting make sure that the dryer is getting fuel, all solenoids are opening and the ignitor is sparking.
Burner 2 Loss Flame
The flame sensor in burner number two (2) has failed to detect flame. Either the burner failed to light or
the flame sensor needs to be adjusted. The flame sensor is the sensor attached to the burner and has
a single lead. If the burner is lighting but the unit is still shutting down due to loss of flame the flame
sensor needs to be adjusted. The flame sensor can be adjusted by bending it so it is immersed in flame.
If the burner is not lighting make sure that the dryer is getting fuel, all solenoids are opening and the ignitor
is sparking.
Fan 1 Vapor High-Limit
The LP gas vapor temperature sensor located on the gas pipe train downstream from the vaporizer coil
on fan and heater number one has opened indicating that the vaporizer coil is running too hot and must
be adjusted. This sensor is set at 200° Fahrenheit and automatically resets itself when cool. The vaporizer
is adjusted by loosening the bolt and moving the vaporizer coil away from the flame.
Fan 2 Vapor High-Limit
The LP gas vapor temperature sensor located on the gas pipe train downstream from the vaporizer coil
on fan and heater number two (2) has opened indicating that the vaporizer coil is running too hot and must
be adjusted. This sensor is set at 200° Fahrenheit and automatically resets itself when cool. The vaporizer
is adjusted by loosening the bolt and moving the vaporizer coil away from the flame.
Fan 1 Housing High-Limit
The temperature high-limit located on the housing on fan and heater number one opened, indicating that
the housing towards the bin has overheated. This high-limit sensor is set at 200° Fahrenheit and must be
manually reset.
Fan 2 Housing High-Limit
The temperature high-limit located on the housing on fan and heater number two (2) opened, indicating
that the housing towards the bin has overheated. This high-limit sensor is set at 200° Fahrenheit and must
be manually reset.