5. Control System
TopDry Series 2000 Autoflow
Setting the Dry, Cool and Unload Timers
These switches are used to set the dry, cool and dump cycle times. The current settings on these timers
are displayed directly above their timer button. To change the setting of these timers do the following:
1. Press the dry, cool or unload timer button.
2. Press the modify button.
3. Press the increase or decrease button to adjust the settings.
4. Press the enter button.
5. To enter the new value into memory immediately, press the reset button.
During operation the remaining time on each timer is displayed on the screen. If the power goes out or the
dryer is stopped these times are saved by the controller. When the dryer is restarted, the timers will
continue timing down. The timers will return to their initial settings by pressing the reset button. The cool
timer is not used on a Autoflow system except when in cool down mode. The cool timer is used to
determine how long the TopDry will cool at shut down. If no cool down is desired set timer to 0. Upon any
of the following conditions the system will go into cool down mode.
1. Out of Grain Timer Warning
2. Storage Chamber Full Warning
3. Low Level Switch Exposed Warning
4. Wet Bin Switch Exposed Warning
Setting the Delays
The following Delays are Set by Pressing the Delays Button
Wet Bin Switch Delay
- If the Wet Supply Rotary switch is exposed this delay must expire before a
warning is given.
Refill Delay
- The Refill Delay is used only on batch units. It is the amount of time that the unit has to refill
after the dump cycle. If the unit does not refill before the time on the refill delay is at zero the unit will give
a “dry chamber empty” error. This delay is not shown in Autoflow mode.
High Level Switch Delay
- The value set on the High Level Switch delay is the amount of time that fill
system runs after grain reaches the Drying Chamber High Level Rotary switch. The High Level Switch
delay should be set long enough so that the Drying Chamber High Level Rotary switch is covered with
enough grain that the fill system does not start and stop frequently in the dry cycle due to settling or
shrinkage; but, the High Level Switch delay should be set short enough so that grain does not reach the
Drying Chamber Overflow Rotary switch.
Fill 1 Delay
- This delay is not used in units with only one fill system controlled by the Autoflow. The value
set on the fill 1 delay is the amount of time that fill system number one runs after grain reaches the Drying
Chamber High Level Rotary switch.
Motor Delay
- The motor delay is the delay in seconds between the starting of the master fan unit and
the slave fan unit. In systems with 220V 1 PH electrical power, the fan delay should be set at small
value - less than 3 seconds. If the motor delay is set too long, the slave fan could rotate fast enough
backwards to start in a reverse rotation. Use the increase and decrease buttons to select the motor delay.
Press the enter button when the correct motor delay is displayed to continue to the main drying screen.
In single fan units, the motor delay is not applicable.