TopDry Series 2000 Autoflow
8. Pre-Season Checks
Before the dryer is filled, thoroughly inspect the unit and check the operation of the dryer as follows. When
entering the bin take great caution. Never enter a bin where grain is present.
Set Control Switches
1. Moisture Control Switch - “ON”
2. Aeration Fan Switch - “OFF”
3. Load Auger Switch - “OFF”
4. Fan Switch - “OFF”
5. Heater Switch - “OFF”
6. Dump Switch - “AUTO”
7. Dry and Hold Switch - “OFF”
8. All Emergengy Stop switches must be pulled out. These are located on Fan Heater, Main Control
Panel, Fill System Box and Actuator Box.
Control Power Switch
Turn the Control Power switch ON. The switch will illuminate. If a fault is found an error message will be
displayed on the screen. If all are found safe, the main drying screen will be displayed.
Drying Chamber
Enter the drying chamber and inspect each dump hopper for obstructions that may inhibit the flow of grain
into the dump chutes. Make sure that the gap between the discharge flow plates and the floor sheets is a
minimum of 1-1/2". All discharge flow plates should be adjusted evenly around the bin. Inspect each
discharge flow plate and make sure that the bottom brackets on each flow plate have not collapsed due
to pressure from walking around the drying chamber. Inspect the leveling bands. Make sure that all
leveling bands are installed properly and in are good shape.
Rotary Switches
View the Drying Chamber Rotary switches from the peak hole on top of the dryer. Make sure that all
three (3) Rotary switches are spinning freely. Double check the seal on each Rotary switch top. The
number one cause of switch failure is water. Make sure when the electrician replaced the top on the Rotary
switch that no creases formed in the gasket. Inspect both the Storage and Wet Supply Rotary switches for
operation and proper seal.
Dump Chutes
Enter the storage chamber. Make sure that all dump chutes are adjusted evenly. When one chute is level
make sure that all chutes are level. This is very critical to the correct operation of the dryer. The center
plate that all the dump chute chains attach to should be no greater that 12" from the pulley when the chutes
are level. If the center plate is further than 12" from the pulley when the chutes are closed the chains must
be lengthened.