English (GB)
If it is up the controller increase controller output if setpoint is
above the parameter and decrease controller output if setpoint is
below the parameter.
If it is down the controller decrease controller output if setpoint is
above the parameter and increase controller output if setpoint is
below the parameter.
To change the direction of the controller, select Direction with
[Up]- and [Down] buttons and by pressing [OK] button up and
down can be toggled with [Up]- and [Down] buttons. Pressing
[OK] button confirms the new direction of the controller.
9.4.4 Output settings
Due to the fact that the controller output range is from 0 % to 100
%, mapping isn’t necessary.
So, if 4/20 mA #1,2,3 (-> analog output) is selected controller
output is automatically mapped to analog 0/4-20 mA (4-20 mA ->
0-100 %).
If a digital output is selected, two different kinds of types can be
PULSE: [0 %] defines the parameter value for 0 %-output (0
pulses/min); [100 %] defines the parameter value for 100 %-
output (max. pulses/min). Pulses/min defines the maximum
number of pulses per minutes for 100 % output. The highest
number is 180.
To change the digital output to type PULSE select Type with [Up]-
and [Down] buttons and by pressing [OK] button the type can be
changed with [Up]-, [Down] button to PULSE. Pressing [OK]
button will confirm the type of digital output.
After confirming one additional rows will be available.
Due to the fact that the controller output range is from 0 % to 100
%, mapping isn’t necessary.
The only parameter which can be changed is the maximum of
pulses/min for 100 % output.
To change the maximum of pulses/min (for 100 %-output) select
Pulses/min with [Up]- and [Down] buttons and by pressing [OK]
button the pulses/min can be changed with [Up]-, [Down]-, [Left]-
and [Right] button. Pressing [OK] button will confirm the
maximum of pulses/min.
PWM : [0 %] defines the parameter value for 0 %-output (0
pulses/min); [100 %] defines the parameter value for 100 %-
output (max. pulses/min). Period [s] defines the duration of one
pulse for 100 % output. The highest duration is 100 s.
To change the digital output to type PWM select Type with [Up]-
and [Down] buttons and by pressing [OK] button the type can be
changed with [Up]-, [Down] button to PWM. Pressing [OK] button
will confirm the type of digital output.
After confirming one additional rows will be available.
Due to the fact that the controller output range is from 0 % to 100
%, mapping isn’t necessary.
The only parameter which can be changed is the maximum of
pulses/min for 100 % output.
To change the maximum of pulses/min (for 100 %-output) select
Pulses/min with [Up]- and [Down] buttons and by pressing [OK]
button the pulses/min can be changed with [Up]-, [Down]-, [Left]-
and [Right] button. Pressing [OK] button will confirm the
maximum of pulses/min.
9.4.5 Alarm settings
In the submenu Stop on alarms… the behaviour of the controller
for every parameter alarm can be defined. See section
Stop on
If Stop on Error is Yes the controller will stop if a sensor device
error occurs. The status of the controller changes to Stopped.
To change the behaviour of the controller when an error occurs,
select Stop on Error with [Up]- and [Down] buttons and by
pressing [OK] button Yes and No can be toggled with [Up]- and
[Down] buttons. Pressing [OK] button confirms the new
Max. 100 % [s] will define the maximum dosing time with a
controller output of 100 %. The unit is [s].
To change the maximum dosing time select Max. 100 % [s] with
[Up]- and [Down] buttons and by pressing [OK] button the
maximum dosing time can be changed with [Up]-, [Down]-, [Left]-
and [Right] button. Pressing [OK] button will confirm the new
value for the maximum dosing time.
Stop on alarm
If one of the available parameters generates an alarm, the
behaviour of the controller can be defined for every parameter
alarm separately. If a parameter alarm is set, the controller stops
to dose if the chosen alarm occurs.
To change the behaviour of the controller select the desired
parameter with [Up]- and [Down] buttons and by pressing [OK]
button the parameter alarm can be changed with [Up]- and
[Down]- button. Pressing [OK] button will confirm the parameter
FCL:------No reaction/stop on an FCL alarm
pH:Up/LowController stops if the lower or the upper alarm limit is
Temp.: UpperController stops if the upper alarm limit is reached
9.4.6 Reset controller state
Resetting the controller states means that the controller value will
be set to 0. For the PID controller all three parts are set to 0 (P=0,
I=0, D=0).
To reset the output of the controller select Reset state with [Up]-
and [Down] buttons and by pressing [OK] button the state of the
controller will be reset.
C2 Output settings
C2 /Output settings
Period [s]:
C2 Alarm settings
Stop on alarms...
Stop on error
Max. 100 % [sec]:
C2 Stop on alarms