English (GB)
12.2.3 Installation
To prepare CIU 262 for data communication, configure some
settings via SMS commands:
• Select Access Point Name:
APN <ascii string>
This is always mandatory.
• Select Username:
USERNAME <ascii string>
The need for a user name depends on your operator and the
type of subscription.
• Select Password:
PASSWORD <ascii string>
The need for a password depends on your operator and the
type of subscription.
Some advanced APN-related settings have default values that
usually work, but in special cases, it might be necessary to
change some of them. This is also done via SMS commands.
• Select Authentication:
Only used by some service providers. Default value is
• Select Connection type:
Default value is "Server".
• Set data roaming:
Default value is "Off".
• Select Modbus TCP port number:
MODBUSPORT <port number>
Default value is 502.
• Select GENIpro port number:
GENIPROPORT <port number>
Default value is 49152. This is only relevant when using
Grundfos PC Tools.
It is possible to configure the APN connection with a single multi-
parameter command:
• SETAPN <parameter 1, parameter 2, parameter 3, …>
– <parameters>:<APN>,<Modbus port>,<GENIproport>,
<data roaming>,<data silence time out>
Grundfos.dk2.tdc,502,49888,Grundfos,4321,normal,server,off, 60
To verify the APN settings after completion, use the SMS
command "APNSETTINGS". The command "APNSTATUS" can
verify if the APN connection is working.
The connection states have the following meaning:
– "Detached": Trying to locate APN connection service.
– "Attached": APN connection service located.
– "Context active": IP address has been assigned, ready for a
client to establish a socket connection.
– "Connected": A client has established a socket connection.
The system is ready for TCP/IP data exchange, or already
exchanging data.
For details about the use of SMS commands, see "CIM 260 SMS
commands", which you can download from Grundfos Product
12.2.4 Operation
When powering on CIU 262 with the correct APN settings, the
following APN connection sequence takes place:
1. CIU 262 locates the APN service. The connection state
changes from "Detached" to "Attached".
2. CIU 262 attempts to connect to the APN it has been given and
requests an IP address. The base station looks through its
record of legal SIM cards and finds the IP address associated
with this SIM card to assign to CIU 262. After CIU 262 has got
the IP address, the connection state changes to "Context
3. CIU 262 is now ready for a client, for example SCADA system
to establish a socket connection and begin TCP/IP data
exchange. When a client connects CIU 262, the connection
state changes to "Connected", and the cellular connection
status LED1 indicates when data transfer takes place. See
A client, for example SCADA, establishes connection to CIU 262
by specifying the IP address and the TCP port 502. Data transfer
is always initiated from the client in the form of a Modbus TCP
telegram embedded in a TCP/IP frame and directed to TCP port
502. To the client software, the connection to CIU 262 is
completely transparent.
The protection against unauthorised data access is high. The
access to the APN network from the Internet can only take place
via the VPN tunnel. See fig.
. Moreover, data transfer requires
a Modbus master client, knowledge of the Modbus functional
profile and the use of a SCADA PIN code, if enabled.
CIU 262 supervises the APN connection system to ensure that it
is still working. An automatic procedure ensures restarting of CIU
262 and repetition of the APN connection sequence in case a
deadlock situation has occurred. It also closes down socket
connections that are left open by the client and unused for more
than 24 hours.
It is possible to use SMS communication while data
communication is active. However, in the "Connected" state the
delay time between reception and reply increases.
If the connection state is different from "Connected", it is possible
to establish a call-up connection. When the call-up connection is
established, APN data exchange is blocked until the call-up is
terminated by the caller.
When no data is being transferred, the connection
states "Attached", "Context active" and "Connected".
All show the same LED1 status (short pulse).