Water Softener
GSX 5, GSX 10, GSX 10-I
Order no. 075 187 970-inter Edited by: KONS-nkes-mrie G:\BA-187970-INTER_GSX 5-10.DOC
3 | How to set the soft water hardness (only GSX 5, GSX 10)
: When setting the soft water hardness, a tap should be completely
open (e. g. open tap at the sink).
Set the blending valve to a medium value at the scale. The figures at
the blending valve are only markers and do not indicate the soft wa-
ter hardness.
Withdraw a water sample at the closest tap and determine the soft
water hardness.
Soft water hardness too low:
Turn the blending valve a little further to the left (open).
Soft water hardness too high:
Turn the blending valve a little further to the right (close).
Repeat this process until the desired soft water hardness is achieved.
Hold the blending valve and slightly tighten the locking screw.
: We recommend storing the operation manual close to the system
by inserting it in the transparent envelope and fastening it at the pipes
with two cable clips after the start-up process is completed.