Mobile reverse osmosis system
AVRO-flex 400
Order no.
095 752 946-inter Edited by: phar-mrie G:\BA-752946-INTER_095_AVRO-FLEX_400.DOCX
B Basic information
1 | Laws, regulations, standards
In the interest of good health, rules cannot be ignored when it comes
to the processing of drinking water. This operation manual takes into
consideration the current regulations and stipulates information that
you will need for the safe operation of your water treatment system.
Among other things, the regulations stipulate that
only approved companies are permitted to make major modifications
to water supply facilities
and that tests, inspections and maintenance on installed devices are
to be performed at regular intervals.
2 | Water
There is no chemically pure water in nature. Even in the atmosphere,
rain water absorbs various substances that change the properties of
the water to a greater or lesser degree. This process continues as the
water passes through the ground layers, with the result that the water
is enriched with increasingly large quantities of materials. Carbon di-
oxide (CO
) is particularly important here, since this substance in-
creases the dissolving capability of the water even more. Conse-
quently, drinking water contains quantities of dissolved sodium, potas-
sium, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, chlorides,
fluorides, sulphates and also nitrates, nitrites, phosphates and sili-
cates that vary greatly from location to location.
Due to dynamic substance and water cycles, harmful elements,
which are only partly and only slowly biodegradable are increasingly
released into nature. Over time, these elements therefore accumulate
in ground and surface water. Removing them from natural water bod-
ies again represents a particular challenge. Grünbeck rises to this
challenge and aims at generating unpolluted drinking and industrial
The water works provide us with pure drinking water that is suitable
for consumption. However, if the water is to be used for technical pur-
poses, further treatment is frequently required.