If you are having trouble with your AirScout Enterprise solution, this section provides some
techniques to resolve common problems.
Problem: The application will not install on my device/computer.
1. Ensure that your device meets the minimum requirements for the application. This
includes checking the memory, hard drive space, and/or CPU speed and ensuring the
proper amount is free.
2. If you have run out of hard drive space, try to free up space that meets the minimum
requirements and attempt to reinstall the software.
Connecting AirScout to the Application
Problem: The AirScout logo at the top of the page is orange, indicating the AirScout is not
connected to the application.
1. Ensure that the device running the application has a Wi-Fi card and is connected to
the Wi-Fi network “AirScout-XXXXXX” where XXXXXX is the last six digits of the master
MAC address.
2. Firmware may not be up to date. Please check the firmware updater page in the
application to see if the master and clients are up to date.
3. Restart the device, application, master, and clients (by power cycling) and attempt to
reconnect to the AirScout SSID once the restart is complete.
During Testing
Problem: The AirScout logo at the top of the page is orange, indicating the AirScout is not
connected to the application.
During the course of master-as-AP testing, the AirScout master intermittently switches
bands to conduct measurements. As a result, some devices may jump to another available
Wi-Fi network. To resolve, forget the network in the connection profile, or just reconnect
to the AirScout SSID in 1-2 minutes when it comes back. The application will update the
results accordingly and you should be able to proceed with the next step of testing.
DRAFT #2—11.16.16