Note: Depending on the tests selected to run, during testing the AirScout master may
change its Wi-Fi connection to the tablet. If the BYOD is in the presence of an alternate
known Wi-Fi network or a carrier Wi-Fi hot spot, the BYOD may switch connections
without your knowledge, preventing the AirScout from re-establishing a connection. When
this happens, the AirScout master will indicate it is trying to re-establish a connection
and the application will inform the user that the connection has been lost. To avoid this
situation, navigate to the Wi-Fi settings menu, “forget” known networks, and disable auto
connections to carrier Wi-Fi hot spots.
Pairing Clients to a Master
A master device can manage up to 30 connected clients. When pairing the AirScout
solution, all client devices may be paired to a master simultaneously. To ensure client
devices pair to the correct master, only pair one AirScout solution at a time if AirScout kits
are within radio range of each other. The client cannot discriminate between two masters
that are both in pairing mode. Prior to pairing, ensure that the client and master devices
are in close proximity and the battery is not low.
1. Ensure all devices are powered on and the right side power status LED is green.
2. To start the pairing process, press the pairing button on the master device; the left side
device status LED begins blinking green to indicate pairing mode is active.
3. While the master is in pairing mode, press the pairing button on one or more client
devices; their device status LEDs begin blinking green to indicate pairing mode is
4. Once pairing is complete, each client device status LED turns solid green, indicating
that pairing was successful.
5. The master remains in pairing mode for two minutes.
Un-pairing Clients from a Master
Client devices may be un-paired from a master using the AirScout application.
DRAFT #2—11.16.16